Nota: En caso de devolución sin cambio, el importe del pedido realizado en compras tanto online como en tienda física se canjearán por un vale del monto equivalente a la devolución de una validez de 6 meses.

El comprador tiene derecho a devolver para cambiar lo adquirido durante un plazo de 14 días naturales. Este plazo se contará a partir del día en que el comprador reciba los artículos adquiridos.

El comprador debe devolver los bienes antes de 14 días desde que comunicó su voluntad de desistir.  Los gastos de devolución correrán a cargo del comprador. El vendedor sólo se hará cargo de los gastos de devolución en caso de mercancía defectuosa, en cuyo caso el comprador deberá notificarlo en un plazo de 24h desde la recepción del pedido mediante correo electrónico a

Si el comprador solicita la devolución dentro de plazo (14 días naturales), el comprador tendrá la opción, si lo desea, de recibir un cupón de compra en la tienda por el monto del producto devuelto con validez de 6 meses o de cambiarlo por un artículo de igual valor.

Toda devolución de los artículos adquiridos por parte del comprador deberán empaquetarse cuidadosamente. El comprador deberá devolver el producto con todos los contenidos del embalaje original y con un embalaje seguro, especialmente si se trata de un producto enmarcado.

No se admitirán devoluciones si en los artículos se observan manchas o daños. En el caso de la devolución de marcos, se prestará especial atención a que éstos se encuentren en el mismo estado en el que se envió al comprador.

Los gastos de envío de los artículos que se deseen cambiar o devolver por correo serán por cuenta del cliente y en ningún caso Artisima aceptará devoluciones enviadas a portes debidos.


Note: In case of return of the products, the amount of the order (online or store) will be exchanged for a voucher of the equivalent amount of the order, the voucher is valid for 6 months.

The buyer has the right to return what was purchased within 14 calendar days. This period will run from the day the buyer receives the purchased items.

The buyer must return the goods within 14 days from when he communicated his desire to withdraw. The buyer will pay the return cost. The seller will only be responsible for the return costs in case of defective merchandise, in which case the buyer must notify it within 24 hours of receiving the order by email to

If the buyer requests the return within the term (14 calendar days), the buyer will have the option, if he wishes, to receive a purchase coupon in the store for the amount of the returned product or to exchange it for an item of equal value.

Any return of items purchased by the buyer must be carefully packaged.
The buyer must return the product with all the contents of the original packaging and with secure packaging, especially if it is a framed product.
Returns will not be accepted if the items’ stains or damage are observed. In the case of the return of frames, special attention will be paid to the fact that they are in the same state in which they were sent to the buyer.

Returns will not be accepted if the items’ stains or damage are observed. In the case of the return of frames, special attention will be paid to the fact that they are in the same state in which they were sent to the buyer.

The shipping costs of the items that are to be exchanged or returned by mail will be borne by the customer and in no case will Artisima accept returns sent freight-borne.

Certificate of Authenticity

A certificate of authenticity (COA) is a document from an authoritative source that verifies the artwork’s authenticity. While my COAs are signed by myself, others will be signed by the representing gallery or the printmaker who collaborated with the artist on the work. For secondary market works, authorized estates or foundations are often the issuing party.
COAs typically include the name of the artist, the details (title, date, medium, dimensions) of the work in question, and whenever possible an image of the work.
To learn more about artwork authenticity, contact me anytime.